LIVE Class Mon. 8/31: Easing Constipation

Did you know that 1 in 5 people struggle with constipation? 

Constipation is the #1 reason people seek a GI specialist. I write about pooping problems a lot. And for good reason-- the bowels are something people often take for granted, until things aren’t working optimally.

The great news is that there is SO much you can do to help your bowel function! This Monday 8/31, Sara Reardon and I are teaching a LIVE 90-minute class on Easing Constipation

In this class you’ll learn: 

✅ What defines constipation and common contributing factors

✅ Pelvic floor muscle anatomy and how to use your muscles to help with defecation

✅ Dietary recommendations to help keep bowel movements soft

✅ Tips on managing constipation with prolapse (rectocele)

✅ Self-treatment techniques including building a bowel routine, optimal toileting posture, and breathing and relaxation exercises 

✅ BONUS Handouts on abdominal massage for constipation, proper toileting mechanics to facilitate emptying and more!!

You won’t want to miss this class! Registration for the LIVE class is limited, and we think this class will fill quickly! So be sure to secure your spot soon, and get your questions answered! If you can’t make the LIVE class, register now and receive access to the recording & all bonus content within 24 hours after the event! 

Register here! 

Hope to see you there! 

~ Jessica


Meet the Obturator Internus


Do you leak when you run? Try this!