Tip of the Week: Your Bowels Love A Good Routine

As we head into the summer and school is getting out (I am THRILLED!), I thought it was the perfect time to chat about bowel routines! Summer is a time when schedules change... camps start later... people travel... we generally change up our normal day-to-day lives. And guess what? Your bowels hate it. 

Your colon is sort of a curmudgeon. It's the no-fun-police. It's mad that you're going on a vacation, upset that you chose to sleep in and eat a late brunch. Because, guess what? The colon doesn't like change. Now, if you are a person who has consistent soft bowel movements daily with ease, and has never really struggled with your bowel movements, this may be surprising. Some people have pretty resilient bowels! BUT- if you have struggled, you're probably reading this and thinking-- Yep- that sounds pretty familiar! 

With routine, the colon has regularly stimulated reflexes, adequate fiber and fluid, and this sort of routine allows the bowels to move with consistency. So, how do we handle the grumpy colon when we want to have fun? travel? eat that late brunch? The key thing is to maintain components of your routine as much as you are able! Here's what this can look like: 

  • Pack the things that work for you if you travel
    If you normally take a fiber supplement or magnesium daily-- be sure to bring this, and stay on top of the plan that was helping you be successful! 

  • Maintain consistency in eating
    If you start your day with a warm cup of coffee and something to eat-- be sure to keep up with this around the same time! So, if you're meeting a friend for brunch at 10 but breakfast for you is usually at 8-- consider waking and drinking your coffee at 8, having a small bite of food (to stimulate that colon to move!)-- and then joining your friend for brunch. 

  • Watch your fluid
    Did you know the colon recycles about 70% of the fluid you take in? It's easy to go lighter on our water intake when we're traveling or when our standard schedule changes. Make sure you bring a water bottle with you and fill it regularly so you keep your fluid high (and this will help you have softer bowel movements!). 

  • Create a plan for when things don't go as planned
    If you struggle with constipation, make a plan for what can help you when things do get a little backed up-- when you end up dehydrated, or your bowels get grumpy from your travel-- etc. This could mean increasing your water intake, eating more fiber-filled foods, eating fermented foods (kombucha, kefir, pickles, etc), eating more bowel stimulating foods like pears and prunes. Chat with your pelvic PT, and build a plan so you can handle a challenge quickly when it occurs! 

If you need some help building a plan for your summer fun-- let us know! We're here for you and we're happy to help you along the way! Have a wonderful start to your summer! 

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