What do you want in 2016? I want to hear from YOU!

Ok, first, I promise a real, educational post is coming this week. So, don't fret.

In planning for 2016, I really want to help this blog be more informative and helpful to YOU my dear reader. So, I have a little favor to ask... will you pretty pretty please fill out this quick survey to let me know who you are and what you want to learn about? I promise it will take less than 2 minutes (maybe even 1 minute, if you're fast!). It will help all of us--- me, to write posts more of you are excited about... and you, to have better posts that actually meet your learning needs.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! (Survey results are anonymous, FYI!)

Click Here to be the most awesome blog reader ever and help me make 2016 our best year yet! [This survey is now closed.]


Mind And Body Connection With Pelvic Pain


Book Review: A Guide to Better Movement