Postpartum Return to Running Program

Did you know that the bladder leakage with running occurs in up to 30-60% of women

Pregnancy can cause significant changes in the body. In fact, the abdominal muscles stretch 115% during pregnancy and the pelvic floor muscles stretch up to 250% during birth.

Retraining the pelvic floor, abdominal, hip and other muscles appropriately can help individuals return torunning in a safe way to allow for them to enjoy running long-term—without pain or leakage!

SPH Postpartum Return To Running Program

Our postpartum return to running program was created to help individuals optimize their running mechanics, identify areas of growth, and ultimately, return to running in the most safe and effective way.

Included in our program

Initial Evaluation
Including a detailed history discussion on prior running experience, pregnancy and birth history, and prior injuries; video running analysis and functional movement screen; detailed examination and assessment of core, lower body and pelvic floor muscle strength and flexibility.

Individualized Plan
With home exercise program complete with exercises, stretches and drills needed to optimize running mechanics and progress toward personal goals.

Follow-Up Visits
Based on individualized program (to be determined after the first appointment)