Knowledge Is Power
Our team is passionate about educating people in the community to better navigate the complex pelvic health world. Our blog has over 100 entries, and is a great place to start learning!
Featured Blog Post
Every Body Has A Pelvic Floor
Dr. Jessica Reale debunks the myth that pelvic care is only for some to empower pelvic floor health for all.
Tips for Managing Constipation this Holiday Season
Top ten tips from a pelvic floor physical therapist to manage and ease constipation during travel and holiday seasons.
… But when do we need to REALLY evaluate and treat the pelvic floor muscles?
In our PT world, we’ve seen another interesting shift happen. As clinicians have realized the interconnectedness of the rest of the body to the pelvic floor muscles, this has lead to some focusing so much on the rest of the body, and leaving out the pelvic floor muscles completely.
When Tailbone Pain Really Isn't The Tailbone
Tailbone pain has been a big focus in my own practice for several years, and it is a diagnosis that is often poorly understood.